DIWA Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS) with Brumby LiDAR
🚗🌏 Exciting times in Perth! DIWA has been driving around the city with our cutting-edge Brumby LiDAR system, leveraging the power of Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS) technology to capture incredibly detailed 3D data of our urban environment.
With our Brumby LiDAR mounted on mobile platforms, we're efficiently covering large areas, creating high-resolution 3D maps invaluable for urban planning, infrastructure management, and many other applications. The precision of our laser scanner, combined with GPS and IMU data, ensures that every detail is accurately georeferenced and aligned.
Whether it's mapping the intricate layout of Perth's streets for future development, inspecting roads and bridges, or contributing to smart city initiatives, the data we're gathering is a game-changer.
Let us know if you're keen to harness this rich spatial data for your projects! Let's transform the way we see and interact with our city.
T: +61 8 9278 2579
#DIWA #BrumbyLiDAR #MobileLaserScanning #Perth #3DMapping #UrbanPlanning #SmartCity #Innovation #DataDriven
📊🌟 Reach out to us for more information or to discuss how our data can benefit your projects!